Interface RepresentationInformation

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
OtherRepInfo, PackagingInformation, RepInfoAndGroup, RepInfoGroup, RepInfoOrGroup, RepresentationInformationNetwork, SemanticRepInfo, StructureRepInfo
All Known Implementing Classes:
OtherRepInfoImpl1, PackagingInformationImpl1, RepInfoGroupImpl1, RepresentationInformationImpl1, RepresentationInformationNetworkImpl1, SemanticRepInfoImpl1, StructureRepInfoImpl1

public interface RepresentationInformation
extends InformationObject
The information that maps a Data Object into more meaningful concepts so that the Data Object may be understood in ways exemplified by Preservation Objectives. It is a type of Information Object. NOTE - An example of Representation Information for a bit sequence which is a FITS file might consist of the FITS standard which defines the format plus a dictionary which defines the meaning in the file of keywords which are not part of the standard. This would then allow the information in the FITS file to be used by a computer program to display the image which may be contained in the FITS file, together with the associated coordinate system so that a human can identify objects of interest, for example stars or galaxies. Alternatively, the computer program may identify such objects automatically. NOTE: the RepInfoCategory contains a String e.g. "Structure", "Semantic" or "Other", with addition refinements separated by "/". For example
  • Semantic/DataDictionary
  • Structure/BitLevel
06-Sep-2021 15:59:46
  • Method Details

    • getCategory

      RepInfoCategory getCategory()
      Get the Category associated with this RepInfo.
      The Category of the RepInfo
    • setCategory

      void setCategory​(RepInfoCategory cat)
      Put the Category associated with this RepInfo.
      cat - The Category of the RepInfo